We are a study composed by multidisciplinary talents, we help companies like yours achieve their objectives.

Our best cover letter, our work.

The Study

Digital H2 borns from the demand of projects that require a unique personality.

After years of experience in the field of design and development, we are in a phase with a high tendency towards mass production of online projects, having before us a gray ecosystem, where only those who are committed to innovation and unique projects stand out.

We focus on quality, creativity and above all by the well finished work, with its own essence.

It is for this reason thatmuch of our time and dedication, is invested in creating genuine content with a high added value.

The team

Our study in numbers




Lines of code


Managed sites


Coffees per week

“Experience is a fierce teacher, but clearly it makes you learn.”
Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)

We have been fortunate to learn alongside: